
individualized Literacy Enrichment and Achievement Program (iLEAP) focuses on providing differentiated instruction and learning opportunities that are designed to enrich and expand upon the literacy skills children learn.

Our iLEAP program is specially designed for our pre-K(5), Kindergarten, and first grade students and implemented through a team-teaching approach. This differentiated and rigorous program is rooted in small group and individualized instruction for students and the instructional approach ensures children are taught in such a way that learning is personal, enjoyable, and developmentally appropriate. Our unique iLEAP program is designed to allow each child to reach their highest potential by seeking to develop each child’s character, concentration, socialization, and work habits.

iLEAP seeks to provide instruction that is:

¨Individualized Based on each child’s preferred learning styles and academic strengths and needs.

¨Differentiated Planned around the academic standards and skills each child individually needs to develop.

¨Highly Engaging Incorporating the use of hands-on learning activities and centers, activities including student movement, and engaging learning themes.

¨Team-Taught & Personal Allows a seamless instructional program providing both early intervention and challenging, above grade level, instruction as needed.

¨Portfolio Evidenced Student learning progress and goals carefully documented using a system of both digital and physical portfolios to ensure maximum student growth and seamless future grade level transitions.